Blueberry Breakfast Cobbler

You guys!!!

I’m so excited to share one of my favorite recipes from my newest baby, The Essential Vegan Air Fryer Cookbook - due out in June 2019! If you love blueberries, and breakfast, and delicious things that are easy to make, then I have good news - you will also LOVE this recipe!!! :D

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I’ll share the recipe below, and if you’d like to get your hands on a copy of the book, make sure to pre-order now so that you’ll be able to celebrate with me once it’s released on June 18th!

Here’s the link to pre-order —> <—

And HERE is the recipe!! Please be sure to comment below and let me know how you like this once you’ve had a chance to try it. And feel free to share pictures of your creations on social media and tag me in them - it always makes my day to see you enjoying my recipes!! :)

Blueberry Breakfast Cobbler.png

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope this recipe gives you breakfast happiness (or anytime-of-day happiness, really) for years to come. I can’t wait to finish my 7th book (a vegan Mediterranean book due out in the fall of 2019) so I can get back to making some of the air fryer recipes in this book - I’ve got my eye on this blueberry cobbler, as well as a few others I’ll be sharing over the next month. Look out for weekly recipe shares until the book’s release, as well as a giveaway too!

Thanks again - I appreciate you! :)
xo Tess